Prices do not include shipping which will be determined when weight and package dimensions are known. Some additional cost for packaging will be added when items to be returned to you do not have appropriate or sufficient protection or containment.
The list below is standard pricing for the basic service of internal cleaning, replacing the seals and rebuilding the valve assembly. It is not unusual that an older specimen will need an additional part or some other issue that needs to be addressed. This pricing is for a gun that is complete with no missing or broken parts and functions normally after the basic seal and valve work is completed. Each rebuild is tested for proper function and utility and if it fails to meet satisfactory performance, the cause should be corrected. That would require additional time, thus labor and maybe parts. There are many variables in older guns that all I can do in pricing estimates is develop a standard repair cost as a base for that work which proves to be adequate for most repairs and that is what this pricing reflects. If that is not the case, the additional cost for parts or work will be communicated to you.
Credit card payment is no longer available. Payment can be made by USPS money order (faster returns) or personal check after the repair total and shipping have been determined.